(AR) (EN) – Undertaking / تعهد | dubailand.gov.ae

“We the undersigned Company undertake to comply with the following: نحن الموقعون أدناه شركة نتعهد بالالتزام بمايلي
1. To indemnify all Purchasers, Their officers, directors, agents and subagents against any and all costs, losses, expenses, suits, actions, fines whatsoever that arise because of or out of misrepresentation or mediation by our Company in selling them international properties in UAE. على تعويض جميع المشترين ، والمديرين والوكلاء والوكلاء من الباطن ضد أي وجميع التكاليف والخسائر والنفقات ، والدعاوى ، والإجراءات ، و الغرامات التي تنشأ بسبب أو من إساءة تمثيلهم أو الوساطة من قبل شركتنا في بيع عقارات دولية لهم في الإمارات العربية المتحدة …”

See on www.dubailand.gov.ae

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – Quality dictionary / قاموس الجودة والاعتماد | Google Drive

“Quality dictionary / قاموس الجودة والاعتماد”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 92 pages

See on docs.google.com

(ES) (PDF) – Glosario Términos Bursátiles | Google Drive

“Glosario Términos Bursátiles”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 6 pages

See on docs.google.com

(EN) – Hedge Fund Glossary | Managed Funds Association MFA

“Latham & Watkins is pleased to provide our Book of Jargon® — Hedge Funds. The Book of Jargon® — Hedge Funds

is a comprehensive glossary of hedge fund slang, legal and regulatory terminology, and acronyms.”

See on www.managedfunds.org

(EN) – Snowboarding Glossary | snowboarding-essentials.com

“A list of terms, jargon and abbreviations usually used around snowboarding circles.”

See on www.snowboarding-essentials.com

(CAT) – Introducing Fusion Spell-checking in Xbench 3.0 | apsic.com

“We’re happy to announce that we just released build 6 of ApSIC Xbench 3.0 spell-checking dictionaries. With this build, we are also introducing a new concept: Fusion Spell-checking.

Fusion Spell-checking is indeed a very simple, yet powerful concept: Hunspell dictionaries are very, very fast, but sometimes they wrongly flag a few words as misspellings. For some languages, they can even issue a large number of false positives if that particular dictionary is of lower quality.

And here is where Microsoft Word enters the stage: Whenever Hunspell thinks that a word is a misspelling, it will check Microsoft Word if it also agrees. The offending word will appear on Xbench spell-checking reports only if they both agree.

This collaborative work of Hunspell and Microsoft Word effective means that there are fewer false positives in the spell-checking …”

See on www.apsic.com

(EN) – 10 words you need to know for Alpine skiing | Julia Callaway

“The 2014 Winter Olympic Games are underway, and we are celebrating this season of sport in the best way we know how: with words.

For the duration of the Games, we are featuring terminology from many of this year’s competed sports. Today’s wordlist primer focuses on:

Alpine skiing

Are you an avid schussboomer? Whether you get your thrills from whizzing down a snowy mountain on a pair of skis or your favorite part of skiing is sipping hot chocolate in the ski lodge, here are a few words you need to know to understand Alpine skiing during these …”

See on blog.oxforddictionaries.com

(IT) (EN) – Vocabolario medico | Pneumonet

“Il vocabolario in linea è un dizionario di massima della terminologia medica.

Utilizzarlo è particolarmente semplice, poiché è sufficiente inserire, nell’apposito spazio, la voce che si desidera tradurre, dall’italiano all’inglese o viceversa.

Ci potranno essere termini non trovati, nel qual caso la parola ricercata verrà registrata e resa disponibile direttamente on-line in breve tempo. I termini a disposizione nel nostro vocabolario sono solamente medici. Non verrà fornita alcuna traduzione di termini non medici.”

See on www.pneumonet.it

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – Book Emirates Evaluation Standards / كتاب الامارات لمعايير التقييم – عقد متكامل | dubailand.gov.ae


“The Emirates Book Valuation Standards (EBVS) aims to offer real estate Valuers the main Standards for real estate Valuation in Dubai in order to help the market, clients, and Valuers in general. This book shall comply with the essence of all major international Valuation Standards. In addition to the Standards, the EBVS will include some guidance on the main Valuation methods.
The ultimate aim of such a publication is to increase the level of professionalism and knowledge within the real estate market in Dubai and the region.”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF bilingual file, 35 pages

See on www.dubailand.gov.ae

(AR) (EN) (XLS) – Engineering Dictionary / معجم أحمد شفيق الخطيب | Google Drive


“Engineering Dictionary / معجم أحمد شفيق الخطيب”



Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

Excel file, +63.000 entries

See on docs.google.com

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – Accounting Glossary | ASCA IAASB



“Accounting Glossary”




Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 15 pages

See on www.ifac.org

(AR) (ES) (PDF) – LÉXICO DEL FÚTBOL | Ignacio FERRANDO & Abdelouahab EL IMRANI (Google Drive)

“Resumen: El presente estudio trata de analizar cómo los diccionarios bilingües árabe-español-árabe tratan un campo semántico especializado, el de la terminología del fútbol, deporte de gran popularidad y raigambre tanto en los medios hispanófonos como arabófonos. Tras un breve repaso del panorama lexicográfico en la citada combinaciónde lenguas, se incluye un glosario comentado de los términos más usuales del fútbol y el tratamiento que le dan los diccionarios disponibles en el mercado. El caso de la terminología del fútbol es uno de muchos otros en los que queda mucho por hacer en lexicografía, bien sea mediante la actualización y ampliación de los materiales existentes, bien sea mediante la publicación de glosarios o diccionarios especializados que cubran las lagunas detectadas.

Palabras clave: Lexicografía árabe. Diccionarios bilingües. Traducción español-árabe. Terminología futbolística.

Abstract: This paper seeks to study the way bilingual Arabic-Spanish-Arabic dictionaries cover a specialized semantic field, that of the terminologyused in football, a very popular and widespread sport both in Spanish and Arabic language domains. After a short panorama of lexicographic material in this language combination, a commented glossary is offered including the most usual football terms, looking at how the available dictionaries deal with them. Football terminology may …”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file,  27 pages

See on docs.google.com

(ES) (PDF) – Diccionario Jurídico | Google Drive

“Diccionario Jurídico”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file,  71 pages

See on docs.google.com

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – Marine, Air and Land Shipping Terminology / مسرد مصطلحات الشحن البري والبحري والجوي | Google Drive


“Marine, Air and Land Shipping Terminology / مسرد مصطلحات الشحن البري والبحري والجوي ”



Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 191 pages

See on docs.google.com




Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 11 pages

See on docs.google.com

(MULTI) – Selected online terminology resources for translators | Jayne Fox

“Terminology is crucial for our work as translators. We are continually searching for the right words – in our heads, in dictionaries or online resources, or in our translation memories and terminology databases. Here are some useful, free resources to help find the right terminology for your translations.”

See on foxdocs.biz

(EN) – 9 words you need to know for freestyle skiing | Allison Wright

“The 2014 Winter Olympic Games are underway, and we are celebrating this season of sport in the best way we know how: with words.

For the duration of the Games, we are featuring terminology from many of this year’s competed sports. Today’s wordlist primer focuses on:

Freestyle skiing

Freestyle skiing is a ski discipline that incorporates tricks and jumps similar to those found in snowboarding and other sports that have at one time or other been classified as “extreme”. At the Winter Olympics, 5 freestyle skiing events are competed: aerials, moguls, ski cross, and new to the 2014 Games, half-pipe and slopestyle. Here are 9 words you need to know for freestyle skiing, although you’ll also find some of them useful for other …”

See on blog.oxforddictionaries.com

(IT) (EN) (FR) (DE) (ES) – Technical mechanical multilanguage glossary | exposider.net

“Tutto quello che cercate sulla trafilatura dei metalli: Dispense; Tecnologie; Calcoli; Formule;Tabelle; Filo metallico; steel wire, fils métalliques, alambres, Draht, Eisendraht”

See on www.exposider.net

(DE) – Maschinen für die Blechverarbeitung: Glossar | GSW

“Definitionen von:

  • Coilwender
  • Haspeln
  • Vorschub-Richtmaschinen
  • Walzen-Richtmaschine
  • Walzenvorschübe”

See on www.gsw-group.com

(CAT) (VIDEO) – How to use segmentation rules in memoQ | Thomas Imhof

“Thomas Imhof, a language technology consulting from localix.biz, explains how to use segmentation rules in memoQ. Trainer: Thomas Imhof, localix.biz – langua…”

See on www.youtube.com

(EN) – 10 words you need to know for Nordic skiing | Allison Wright

“The 2014 Winter Olympic Games are underway, and we are celebrating this season of sport in the best way we know how: with words.

For the duration of the Games, we are featuring terminology from many of this year’s competed sports. Today’s wordlist primer focuses on:

Nordic skiing

Nordic skiing is categorized by events in which the heel of the skier’s boot is not fixed to the ski. Competition at the Winter Olympics consists of …”

See on blog.oxforddictionaries.com

(EN) – Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale: Glossary | The Weather Channel

“Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale: Glossary by The Weather Channel. The following is a glossary of extraction-related terms.”

See on www.weather.com

(JA) (EN) (PDF) – 光カートリッジ説明資料 販売店向け | ds-audio.biz

We released a instruction manual(Japanese and English) on our web site:

  • DS001カタログ(日本語)
  • 光カートリッジ説明資料 販売店向け(日本語) (光カートリッジの原理的利点、使用上の注意点、過去の光電式カートリッジとの違い)
  • DS001取扱説明書(日本語)
  • DS001 catalog(English)
  • Optical cartridge description(English)
  • DS001 catalog(English)


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF files in English & Japanese

See on www.ds-audio.biz

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – معجم مصطلحات عصر العولمة | kotobarabia.com



“معجم مصطلحات عصر العولمة”



Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 528 pages

See on boulemkahel.yolasite.com

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – CORPORATE ONLINE BANKING SERVICES TERMS & CONDITIONS / البنود والشروط الخاصة بالخدمات المصرفية عبر اإلنترنت للشركات التجارية | alkhaliji.com


CORPORATE ONLINE BANKING SERVICES TERMS & CONDITIONS / البنود والشروط الخاصة بالخدمات المصرفية عبر اإلنترنت للشركات التجارية

  • Definitions and Interpretation
  • General
  • Electronic and Online Service
  • Miscellaneous
  • Suspension and Termination
  • المحتويات
  • التعاريف والتفسير
  • عام
  • الخدمة اإللكترونية وعبر اإلنترنت
  • أحكام متفرقة
  • التعليق واالنهاء


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF bilingual file, 17 pages

See on www.alkhaliji.com

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – Glossary of terms used in the text Focus on Contemporary Arabic | Shukri Abed



“Glossary of terms used in the text Focus on Contemporary Arabic – Shukri Abed”



Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 42 pages

See on yalepress.yale.edu

(AR) – مجموعة التروس الكوكبية | startimes.com

“هدفها :

الهدف مهم جدا وهو الحصول على نسب التخفيض المختلفة ( الجير الاول , الثاني , الثالث …. , ريفيرس )

* مكوناتها الرئيسية :

– الترس الحلقي
– التروس الكوكبية وحامل التروس الكوكبية
– الترس الشمسي

الترس الشمسي في منتصف المجموعة وحوله التروس الكوكبية الصغيرة , التروس الصغيرة مثبتة بحامل عن طريق تزويد كل ترس بعمود ( Shaft ) صغير ليدور . اما الترس الحلقي فهو الاكبر ويثبت كل المجموعة .”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

مصطلحات :

مجموعة التروس الكوكبية : Planetary Gearsets
الترس الشمسي : Sun Gear
الترس الحلقي : Ring Gear
التروس الكوكبية : Planet Gears or Pinion Gears
حامل التروس : Planet Carrier
ترس قائد : Driver Gear
ترس مقاد : Driven Gear
نسب التخفيض : Gears Ratio

See on www.startimes.com

(IT) (PDF) – Le cadute dall’alto per l’attività di lavoro marittimo: studio della casistica nosologica e ipotesi di interventi preventivi | inail.it

Il volume propone un approccio multidisciplinare volto a una migliore valutazione delle cause e conseguenze delle cadute, e in particolare delle cadute dall’alto, di cui spesso sono vittima i lavoratori del settore marittimo.
Si tratta di una ricerca che ha visto l’integrazione dei dati Inail con i dati del Ministero dei Trasporti che ha consentito di ampliare l’osservazione degli infortuni da caduta e di confrontare l’esperienza statistica dell’Inail con quella di una realtà istituzionale che guarda agli stessi fenomeni da un punto di vista e con finalità differenti.”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

Prodotto: Opuscolo 120 pagine
Edizioni: Inail – Dicembre 2013
Disponibilità: Sì – Consultabile anche in rete (.pdf – 2,32 mb)

See on www.inail.it

(EN) (EL) (PDF) – Mycenaean (Linear b)-English Glossary | Gavalas Markos


“The Linear B is the first Greek writing system. This was used between the 14 th and 12 th century B.C..Linear B was first deciphered by Michael G. Ventris, in 1952. Linear B was found initially at Knossos in Crete island and the other centers of Mycenaen civilization on Greek mainland, Pylos, Mycenes, Thiba Tyrintha. The script was found in the form of clay tablets.The Linear B was used for writing by the Mycenaen and consists about 90 signs, each representing a syllable and there are signs for vowels a, e, i, o, u. Also there are arithmetic sings.”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 12 pages

See also Errata Corrige

See on www.explorecrete.com

(EN) – 8 words you need to know for speed skating | Allison Wright

“The 2014 Winter Olympic Games are underway, and we are celebrating this season of sport in the best way we know how: with words.

For the duration of the Games, we are featuring terminology from many of this year’s competed sports. Today’s wordlist primer focuses on:

Speed Skating

Speed skating at the Olympics is divided into two separate competitions: long track speed skating (which is usually just called “speed skating”) and short track speed skating. The size of the …”

See on blog.oxforddictionaries.com