(EN) – Bike Suspension Glossary | Bike Magazine

“Understanding the meaning of terms related to front and rear suspension.

These days almost every mountain bike comes with front suspension at the very minimum. While it’s not entirely necessary to have a full-suspension bike, it can help mitigate the impact of some trail features, mildly mask some deficiencies in rider skill or make a rider able to move faster through a trail with more margin for error.

But suspension isn’t the answer to every woe. It won’t automatically make you better, faster or sexier, not unless you spend a little time on the basics first. Suspension is confusing—there’s an ever-expanding array of mousetrap-like designs, kinematic graphs, fluid portal tuning diagnostic spreadsheets and voodoo black arts magic to make it all seem very difficult to understand.

Suspension is scary stuff. I get cold sweats thinking about it despite having a front-row seat to some of mountain biking’s most educated suspension technicians and having to spend a great deal of time learning about it all because it’s my ‘job’ to do so. And I don’t …”

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