(MULTI) – How Dogs Bark in Different Languages | Stanley Coren

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“Here is a list of the sounds dogs make when they bark in more than 60 languages.

Almost all dogs bark. Science has shown that virtually all dogs also can understand the barks of other dogs regardless of where they come from, however the way that humans hear those barks differs depending upon the language that people speak and the culture that they live in. We humans often try to communicate the sounds of dogs barking to other humans when we are telling stories using common words like “woof-woof” in English. We also write these word sounds down, particularly in things like comic strips where a dog might be saying “arf-arf” or in children’s books where we might indicate that a dog is barking using “bow-wow.”
Linguists would tell you that the words that we use to represent dog barks are based upon onomatopoeia, which is the process by which we try to characterize a real world sound with a …”

See on www.psychologytoday.com

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