(EN) – The Pherobase: Database of insect pheromones and semiochemicals | pherobase.com

“The Pherobase is a freely accessible database of pheromones and semiochemicals. It comprises several databases to provide comprehensive information about pheromones and semiochemicals. Currently, the Pherobase contains pheromones and semiochemicals of more than 7000 species and 3500 semiochemical compounds. The Pherobase lists the occurrence of these semiochemicals within the various animal taxa which is hard to observe in the raw literature data. Information such as mass spectrometry, kovats retention index, NMR, synthesis, chemical formula, 2D and 3D chemical structures of most of these semiochemicals are given. A kovats retention index database for more than 8000 organic compounds in 25,000 records with literature references are listed. A floral compound database of about 2000 floral compounds and their occurrence in 1700 plant species is also listed. Another database of over 100,000 abstracts related to the Pherobase records is also included, you can browse the references by journal, author, year. A database on the application of semiochemicals in pest management is also included and can be browsed by approach, region, country, host.

Chemical Ecology, Pheromones, Pheromone, Moth, Moths, Insect, Sex, Attractants, Attractant, Sex-Attractants, Insects, Entomology, behaviour, Behavior, Lepidoptera, Biological control, Pest, Pests, biocontrol, pest control, ipm, trapping, trap, traps,…”

See on www.pherobase.com

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