(EN) – Bearing lexicon | schaeffler.de

“Schaeffler Group Industrial brings together the industrial activities of INA and FAG. Together, the two companies have the widest product portfolio in the rolling bearing industry. With more than 40 000 products manufactured as standard, applications across some 60 industrial sectors can be covered.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: medias.schaeffler.de

Shared by Núria de Andrés on Twitter

(TOOL) (PDF) – Statistik mit Excel | Die Wissensdatenbank

“Jeder Unternehmer, auch „Einzelkämpfer“, sollte einen Überblick über seinen Umsatz und seine Kunden haben. Wie das ganz einfach geht, wird hier erläutert.
Auf einen Blick sehen, wieviele Kunden Sie haben, woher – ob von Direkt-/Firmen-/Agentur- oder Privatkunden – Ihr Umsatz kommt? Das geht ganz einfach mit Excel.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.wissenswinkel.com

(MULTI) – New features and updates for IATE | TermCoord

“IATE has been recently upgraded with many useful new features implemented by the IATE Support & Development team. Here is a list of all new functionalities:
Public IATE
New full TBX export from 16 December 2015:
A new version of the TBXtract was uploaded. It includes some little enhancements, like removing some bad XML characters and also the progress bar is now showing percentage of advancement while processing the file.
The feedback functionality had been enhanced. In order to solve some issues faced recently with the same feedback sent several times by the …”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: termcoord.eu

(DE) – Neue Wörter vom 7.1.2016 | wortwarte.de

Heute servieren wir Ihnen 13 neue Wörter:

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(EN) – New words: 11 January 2016 | Cambridge University Press

“Welcome to About Words, a blog from Cambridge Dictionaries Online. We publish posts discussing different features of the English language, as well as dictionary entries for words and phrases that are new to English or that have new meanings. We hope you enjoy the blog, and that you’ll post your own comments and vote on the new words. Keep checking back here over the weeks for a fascinating range of posts.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: dictionaryblog.cambridge.org

(CA) – Neolosfera: microxip | Observatori de Neologia (Obneo)

“Aquest blog està dedicat al recull i presentació de neologismes, que el Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans defineix com “unitats lèxiques noves, formalment o semànticament, creades en una llengua per les pròpies regles de formació de mots o manllevades a una altra llengua”. Així, cada entrada del blog es correspon a una paraula nova, en el sentit que encara no es troba recollida als diccionaris de referència o que hi apareix marcada formalment com a neologisme.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: neolosfera.wordpress.com

(DE) – Neue Wörter vom 5.1.2016 | wortwarte.de

Heute servieren wir Ihnen 9 neue Wörter:

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(ID) (EN) – Glosarium Teknologi Informasi | Anthony Santana

Glosarium ini telah disusun guna menyeragamkan dan mempermudah penerjemahan teks yang berisikan istilah-istilah dari bidang TI.


Sourced through Scoop.it from: support.gengo.com

Shared by Anthony Santana on Twitter

(IT) (PDF) – Attività di estetista: aggiornata la discilplina sulle apparecchiature utilizzabili | Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Il Ministero ha aggiornato, alla luce del progresso tecnico e delle esigenze di mercato, la disciplina delle apparecchiature elettromeccaniche utilizzabili per l’attività di estetista, ampliando, da un lato, la gamma delle apparecchiature utilizzabili in condizioni di sicurezza e, dall’altro, meglio precisando le condizioni del loro corretto utilizzo.

Il decreto, emesso di concerto con il Ministero della salute, provvede inoltre a ripristinare la certezza del quadro giuridico, riempendo il vuoto normativo determinato dal parziale annullamento della previgente normativa da parte del giudice amministrativo. Il provvedimento entra in vigore il 12 gennaio 2016.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it

PDF file, 39 pages

(TOOL) – MateCat Filters | matecat.com

Easily extract all the translatable contents from any file format into a convenient XLIFF file. Translate it and use Filters again to get back a completely translated file with perfectly preserved formatting.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: filters.matecat.com

(MULTI) – IATE term of the week: monetary union | TermCoord

With a whole new year ahead, politics and economy experts are discussing again the need to bring Europe’s monetary union to its “logical conclusion” by “creating a true banking union with depositor protection and a European investment fund”.

That’s because EMU (European Monetary Union) is, for now, more theoretical than practical: for example, an unintended consequence of recent years was the formalization of two parallel (euro-denominated) currencies in Greece, which, combined with a punitive taxation, produced “unforeseen incentives for informal transactions in a country that …”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: termcoord.eu

(ES) (IT) (€) – Corpus bilingüe de unidades fraseológicas del lenguaje jurídico | Marta Galiñanes Gallén, Gema Rodríguez Cortés

“Con este trabajo hemos querido adentrarnos en la complejidad que acompaña la traducción de las unidades fraseológicas de los documentos jurídicos. Para ello, se ha creado un corpus a partir de mil textos reales y, desde una perspectiva contrastiva, se ha procedido a clasificar las unidades fraseológicas presentes. Esperamos proporcionar una herramienta útil tanto para los traductores jurídicos como para los especialistas en el sector y que en ella encuentren respuesta a las dificultades creadas por las unidades fraseológicas que pueblan los documentos jurídicos.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.aracneeditrice.it

Mohamed OUAOURIR & Ahmed Aziz Bousfiha | المعجم اإلنجليزي الفرنسي العربي لمصطلحات ضعف المناعة األولي – (PDF) (EN) (FR) (AR)

This dictionary provides the translation of the terms of the Primary Immunodeficiency in 3 languages: English, French, and Arabic.
Ce dictionnaire propose la traduction des termes des Déficits Immunitaires Primitifs en 3 langues : l’Anglais, le Français, et l’Arabe.
يوفر هذا القاموس الترجمة لمصطلحات نقص المناعة األولية في 3 لغات : االنكليزية والفرنسية والعربية.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: worldpiweek.org

PDF file, 184 pages

(ES) – Glosario Montañismo | servidor-alicante.com

“El montañismo es el conjunto de técnicas, conocimientos y habilidades orientadas a la realización de ascensiones a las montañas.
El montañismo se podría dividir en varias áreas que engloban diversas especialidades, algunas de las cuales se alejan de la definición estricta de ascender montañas, pero que no obstante, requieren de este medio natural para su práctica: senderismo (o hiking), excursionismo (a menudo mal llamado trekking, que en realidad significa viajar a pie por lugares remotos y durante varios días) y expediciones; escalada deportiva (y boulder) y escalada en hielo; asimismo existen variantes deportivas como el duatlón en montaña, media maratón de montaña y maratón de montaña; barranquismo, esquí de montaña (también llamado esquí de travesía o esquí-alpinismo) y bicicleta de montaña.
El término montañismo muchas veces se entiende como el deporte practicado en las altas montañas, es decir, el montañismo de altura. Así quien asciende a las montañas se le llama montañista o montañero y no a quién solo practica una de las especialidades mencionadas. También cuando se habla de un curso o manual de montañismo, éste se enfoca al excursionismo por las montañas y no a toda la gama de especialidades que se mencionan.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: glosarios.servidor-alicante.com

(CA) – Neolosfera: enrotllat | Observatori de Neologia (Obneo)

“Aquest blog està dedicat al recull i presentació de neologismes, que el Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans defineix com “unitats lèxiques noves, formalment o semànticament, creades en una llengua per les pròpies regles de formació de mots o manllevades a una altra llengua”. Així, cada entrada del blog es correspon a una paraula nova, en el sentit que encara no es troba recollida als diccionaris de referència o que hi apareix marcada formalment com a neologisme.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: neolosfera.wordpress.com

(FR) – Dire, Ne pas dire (janvier 2016) | Académie française

“Quels mots, quelles tournures choisir, retenir ou rejeter parmi ce qui s’entend et se dit ? La série du mois de janvier 2016 de Dire, Ne pas dire, qui donne, depuis plus de trois ans, le sentiment de l’Académie française sur les fautes, les tics de langage et les ridicules le plus fréquemment observés dans le français contemporain, est accessible, ainsi que le bloc-notes de Mme Dominique Bona.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.academie-francaise.fr

(EN) – Medical Abbreviations and Pharmaceutical Abbreviations Dictionary | medilexicon.com

“Search through our database of over 200,000 medical, biotech, pharma and healthcare acronyms abbreviations”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.medilexicon.com

Shared by Ekaterina Chashnikova on Twitter

(ES) – Glosario de términos relacionados con rodamientos | timken.com

“Glosario de términos relacionados con rodamientos”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.timken.com

Shared by PERÚterm on Facebook

(IT) – Dizionario degli abiti e delle stoffe ecclesiastiche | araldicavaticana.com


  • Capitolo primo: Costumi Corte Papale
  • Capitolo secondo: Abiti Ordini Maschili
  • Capitolo terzo: Ordini Femminili
  • Capitolo quarto: DIZIONARIO

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.araldicavaticana.com

(DE) – Neue Wörter vom 3.1.2016 | wortwarte.de

Heute servieren wir Ihnen 17 neue Wörter:

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(IT) – Forestierismi e professioni femminili: due settori degni di attenzione | Accademia della Crusca

“Dicembre 2015 – Cecilia Robustelli e Claudio Marazzini
L’Accademia della Crusca ha tra i suoi obiettivi principali lo studio dell’uso della lingua italiana contemporanea e dei suoi mutamenti che oggi, grazie ai moderni strumenti di ricerca e di comunicazione, è possibile cogliere al loro primo manifestarsi. Grande attenzione viene dedicata al linguaggio istituzionale, da quello amministrativo  a quello normativo, per il la sua funzione fondamentale nella necessaria comunicazione fra stato e cittadinanza, base della vita democratica: se non si comunica bene, viene meno la partecipazione. L’Accademia segue quindi con molta cura l’evoluzione di tale linguaggio ed esamina le innovazioni che vi sono introdotte, per verificare se esse risultino effettivamente un …”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.accademiadellacrusca.it

(DE) – Neue Wörter vom 27.12.2015 | wortwarte.de

Heute servieren wir Ihnen 7 neue Wörter:

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(CAT) – Filtering data records with TermStar NXT | STAR Servicios Lingüísticos

“When managing terminology, we often have to deal with massive dictionaries that are constantly being updated by different translators or terminologists. Sometimes it is necessary to view or process subsets of all the terms in a given dictionary. With TermStar NXT, you can filter data records to just display specific terms and hide everything else. This can be done using “data record filters”.
TermStar NXT takes data record filters into account not only in terms of the records it displays, but also for a wide range of other functions, such as printing a dictionary, global changes, statistics and exchanging a dictionary or dictionary extract. For example, if you would like to …”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.star-spain.com

(EN) – Open Research Glossary | Right to Research Coalition

This glossary is designed to be a resource to inform people about the culture of ‘open scholarship’.

  • Core Definitions
  • Types of Open Access
  • Depreciated terms
  • Declarations And Principles
  • Licensing
  • Journal Types
  • Peer Review
  • Assessment And Metrics
  • Tools And Technology
  • Data Repositories
  • Funders And Policy-Related
  • Open Research Infrastructure

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.righttoresearch.org

(EN) – Cloud as easy as 1, 2, 3 glossary | Kevin Goodman

“BlueBridge Networks has its Data Center Flagships in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio and access to various Cloud Nodes in cities in Canada and across the United States.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: kevinjgoodman.com


“In the course of your work, you may encounter terms and concepts that may be unfamiliar to you. We have prepared this glossary as a guide to some of the common terms used by our foresight practitioners. Each entry provides a definition and overview of a concept or term, along with resources providing further information. This glossary is not intended to be comprehensive. Instead, it is a starting point to help you better understand foresight and futures work in Singapore’s public sector. To find out more about the concepts, tools or processes defined in this glossary and how they have been used in Singapore, please contact the Centre for Strategic Futures.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.csf.gov.sg

PDF file, 60 pages

Shared by Hanna Pitkänen on Twitter

(EN) (PDF) – Glossary of Plastering Terms | United States Gypsum Company

“Product and Systems Technology: Glossary of Plastering Terms”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.usg.com

PDF file, 8 pages

Shared by Sıvaper on Twitter

(CA) – Neolosfera: top ten | Observatori de Neologia (Obneo)

“Aquest blog està dedicat al recull i presentació de neologismes, que el Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans defineix com “unitats lèxiques noves, formalment o semànticament, creades en una llengua per les pròpies regles de formació de mots o manllevades a una altra llengua”. Així, cada entrada del blog es correspon a una paraula nova, en el sentit que encara no es troba recollida als diccionaris de referència o que hi apareix marcada formalment com a neologisme.”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: neolosfera.wordpress.com

(NL) – Begrippenlijst | TenderNed

TenderNed is onderdeel van PIANOo, het Expertisecentrum Aanbesteden van het ministerie van Economische Zaken”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.tenderned.nl

(FR) – Le glossaire de la Ultra HD 4K | Giuseppe Salza

“La UHD Alliance a dévoilé au CES 2016 de Las Vegas sa nouvelle certification, l’Ultra HD Premium. Voulue par les studios hollywoodiens, cette nouvelle norme – qui court-circuite la plupart des diffuseurs 4K aujourd’hui en vente – définit un ensemble de spécifications obligatoires – dont notamment le HDR, l’un des chevaux de bataille de la 4K. Pour bénéficier du logo Ultra HD Premium, les écrans devront avoir les caractéristiques suivantes :

Résolution de l’image : 3840 x 2160 pixels
Profondeur de couleur : 10 bits
Palette de couleurs (gamut élargi) : 
. entrée signal : compatible BT.2020
. visualisation : plus de 90% de la palette PCI-P3
HDR : respect du standard SMPTE ST2084 EOTF avec :

. pic de luminosité supérieur à 1000 nits et niveau des noirs inférieur à 0,05 nits
. pic de luminosité supérieur à 540 nits et niveau des noirs inférieur à 0,0005 nits

Des spécifications similaires Ultra HD Premium ont été dévoilées aussi à …”

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.dvdfr.com