(EN) (ES) (FR) – Soccer vocabulary / Vocabulario de fútbol | lingolex.com

“Football vocabulary in English, Spanish and French: Vocabulario de fútbol en inglés, español y francés”

See on www.lingolex.com

(EN) – Soccer Glossary and Terms | Epic Sports

“An alphabetical list of terms used in soccer”

See on soccer.epicsports.com

(EN) – Football (soccer) Glossary | languagecaster.com

“The football glossary is a page with a huge selection of football words, phrases and vocabulary that are organised in alphabetical order – it is like a football dictionary. You can find all kinds of football cliches, football sayings, expressions and technical terms, as well as a variety of categories about many football-related subjects: transfers, football nicknames, match-day language, managers and much more.”

See on languagecaster.com

(EN) – Soccer Glossary | FIFA

“In 2007, the 57th FIFA congress voted to create an online system for male 11 a-side international football transfers as one of the recommendations of the FIFA task force “for the good of the game”. The objectives were to increase integrity and transparency in the market by increasing data available to football authorities on every transaction and to enforce rules on the protection of minors. “

See on www.fifatms.com

(EN) – The Landreader Glossary of the British landscape | Dominick Tyler

I am a photographer and writer with 16 years experience of documentary and long-term reportage projects. In 2008, whilst working on a book called Wild Swim with writer Kate Rew, I photographed countryside from the Outer Hebrides to the Isles of Scilly and found that my own vocabulary for landscape was woefully inadequate. This realization led me to start collecting words for landscape features, words like jackstraw, zawn, clitter and logan, swash, cowbelly, hum and corrie, spinney, karst and tor.

I’m going to spend a year photographing examples of British landscape features described by these and around a hundred other words. This project will combine photography, text and crowd-sourced information to generate the first ever glossary of the British landscape.
The Landreader Project encompasses geology, ecology, geography and topography but treats these distinctions lightly, drawing equally from science, vernacular and lore to present an exploration of landscape as it is experienced. The richness and depth of the English language
is apparent in the lexicon of the British landscape and so this work is also a study of words – colloquial, scientific, prosaic and poetic.
By investigating the interplay between language and landscape, this work will raise questions about our relationship with the environment and the changes that this relationship has undergone. The naming of landscape features was a driver of language development; ever
since humans have communicated, they have communicated about their surroundings. Our increasingly urbanized lives and the resulting loss of countryside knowledge means that a large part of this communication has become vestigial and many of the words I’ve collected have fallen into obscurity. In general we no longer need to be able to describe the landscape with …”

See on www.thelandreader.com

(MULTI) – IATE Term of the Week: Bookie | TermCoord

The Oxford Dictionary defines a bookie as the informal version for a bookmaker, or the “person whose job is to take bets, calculate odds, and pay out winnings”. Team-sports frequently bring along competitiveness among the supporters of clubs and these sometimes try their luck betting some money for or against different teams. The characters of bettors often appear in films, where money was at stake for the fastest racehorses.

In this sense, bookies have always been a necessary figure in sports, because they organise and control the bets, which, depending on the sport, can involve high amounts of money. Even though sometimes they are related to illegal gambling, nowadays official organisations keep track of such business transactions.

Bookies must be quite busy at the moment, now that the World Cup 2014 just began in Brazil. People bet for their favourite football teams to …”

See on termcoord.eu

(EN) – Selective Attention | Simply Psychology

A bottleneck restricts the rate of flow, as, say, in the narrow neck of a milk bottle. The narrower the bottleneck, the lower the rate of flow.

Broadbent’s, Treisman’s, and Deutsch and Deutsch Models of Attention are all bottleneck models because they predict we cannot consciously attend to all of our sensory input at the same time.

This limited capacity for paying attention is therefore a bottleneck and the models each try to explain how the material that passes through the bottleneck is selected.”

See on www.simplypsychology.org

(EN) – Soccer World Cup Glossary | The SB Nation

“Confused about what’s going on at the 2014 World Cup? We can help.

Soccer — more commonly known as football (but we’ll stick with ‘soccer’ here to avoid confusion) — is the most popular team sport on the planet. Originating in England in the 1800s before spreading rapidly around the globe, soccer is played with two teams of eleven players each, the objective generally being to score more goals than the other team in 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute ‘halves’.

There is one ball, and goals are scored by getting into the … goal. Regulation-sized goals are 24 feet (7.32 m) wide by 8 feet (2.44 m) high, and in order for a goal to register the ball must completely cross the line of the goal without any rules being broken by the scoring team.

The most notable aspect of the sport, of course, is that all but one player on each team, the goalkeeper, is barred from using their hands to touch the ball while the ball is in play. Every portion of the body bar the arms is legal to use.”

See on www.sbnation.com

(EN) – Business Continuity Glossary | DRJ

“This business continuity glossary is an initiative of the Editorial Advisory Board of DRJ.”

See on www.drj.com

(EN) – Digital Glossary | Michelle Brown

“Explore this digital glossary of common web design, web development and interactive marketing terms, brought to you by ZAG Interactive. Everything you need to understand the digital world and more!”

See on www.zaginteractive.com

(EN) (PDF) – Gut Microbiome Glossary | American College of Gastroenterology

When most people think of bacteria in the intestines, they think of that bacteria as a bad, dirty thing. GI professionals, however, know that bacteria (certain bacteria, and in the right combination) is a very important part of a healthy digestive system. Medical experts have long known about the importance of bacteria in the gut, but in the last few years their understanding has grown by leaps and bounds.

The human gut microbiome is a diverse, complicated community of microbes that live in the intestines. This bacterial community has a profound impact on how the body functions. The microbiome is so vital to human health that some researchers look at it as an organ, influencing nutrition, immunity, metabolism and physiology.

As researchers gain a greater understanding of the microbiome, they’ll likely have better knowledge about probiotics, and how to prevent and cure illnesses. The American College of Gastroenterology, along with the World Gastroenterology Organisation recently observed the … (click here to read more)”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 3 pages

See on s3.gi.org

(EN) – A Digital Camera Glossary | Daniel Grotta

“Like any other technology, art form or field, digital cameras have their own nomenclature. The alphabet soup of jargon can be as confusing and intimidating as trying to understand how all those dials, buttons, levers and menu options affect the pictures and videos that you capture. Fear not, because we’ve defined the most important words, phrases, commands and options you’ll need to know when shopping for and learning to operate your new DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone or other camera.”

See on www.tomsguide.com

(AR) (PDF) – القانون الاساسي لالمانيا | Deutscher Bundestag (Google Drive)

“القانون الاساسي لالمانيا (Deutscher Bundestag)”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 113 pages

See on docs.google.com

(EN) (PDF) – Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany | Deutscher Bundestag (Google Drive)

Translated by:

Professor Christian Tomuschat and Professor David P. Currie
Translation revised by: Professor Christian Tomuschat and Professor Donald P. Kommers in cooperation with the Language Service of the German Bundestag

The Parliamentary Council, meeting in public session at Bonn am Rhein on 23 May 1949, confirmed that the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, which was adopted by the Parliamentary Council on 8 May 1949, was ratified in the week of 16 to 22 May 1949 by the parliaments of more than two thirds of the participating German Länder. By virtue of this fact the Parliamentary Council, represented by its Presidents, has signed and promulgated the Basic Law. The Basic Law is hereby published in the Federal Law Gazette pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 145″

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 136 pages

See on docs.google.com

(AR) (EN) (DOC) – Compliance Manual For Banks Working In Saudi Arabia / دليل الالتزام بالأنظمة للبنوك العاملة في المملكة العربية السعودية | The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (Google Drive)

“Compliance with laws, rules and regulations is one of the most important factors for the success of financial institutions. Compliance protects the reputation and credibility of financial institutions; protects shareholders and depositors, and provides safeguards to institutions against legal sanctions. Compliance is a comprehensive and multi-aspect responsibility involving all parties in the financial institution. It starts with the board of directors and senior management and ends with all employees, each according to the powers and tasks entrusted to him.


      يعد الالتزام بالأنظمة والمعايير والتعليمات أحد أهم أسس وعوامل نجاح المؤسسات المالية، ويحافظ على سمعتها ومصداقيتها وعلى مصالح المساهمين والمودعين، ويوفر لها الحماية من العقوبات النظامية. كما يعد الالتزام مسئولية شاملة ومتعددة الجوانب، وتـقع على جميع الأطراف في المؤسسة المالية بدءاً من مجلس الإدارة والإدارة العليا وانتهاء بجميع الموظفين كل حسب صلاحياته والمهام المناطة به.”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

DOC bilingual file, 57 pages

See on docs.google.com

(BG) – Корективен речник на чужди думи в българския език | uni-sofia.bg

Добре дошли на сайта на първия електронен корективен речник на чужди думи в българския език. Речникът бе подготвен в резултат на научен проект през 2012 г. от екип преподаватели филолози от Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски” и издаден от Университетското издателство с печатница “Св. Климент Охридски”. Речникът съдържа около 400 от най-често срещаните лексеми, чиято употреба често е некоректна. Посочено е тяхното правилно значение, както и правилното им използване.

Целта на настоящия сайт е да предостави на Вашето внимание както вече издадените в хартиен вариант речникови статии за лексеми, в чиято употреба най-често сме установили грешки, така и тяхното своевременно актуализиране и допълване. Сайтът е предназначен за всеки, който държи на правилното използване на книжовния български език и на навлезлите или навлизащи в него чужди думи.

Надяваме се, че ще бъдем полезни на всеки, който държи да знае какво всъщност говори и пише!

Нашият екип Ви желае приятно и успешно ползване на Речника. И тъй като езикът е изключително бързо развиващо се средство за общуване, ще разчитаме на обратната връзка с Вас, както в коментарите, така и чрез формата за контакт, която ще намерите в сайта.”

See on dictcorrect.com.91-215-216-74.hera.icnhost.net

(CAT) (VIDEO) – Four New Time-Saving Improvements for Translators in OmegaT 3.1.0 | Roman Mironov

It is my pleasure to review a few new features in four different areas recently added to the already rich functionality of OmegaT.

Improvements in the Text Search window

Searching in untranslated and/or translated segments

The Text Search window has three new radio buttons: Translated or untranslated, Translated, and Untranslated. Enabling each of these buttons limits the search results to the respective segments. For example, if you want to find how you translated a …”

See on www.velior.ru

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – معاجم وموسوعات وقواميس – روابط مفردة لكل كتاب : جامع الكتب المصورة | kt-b.com/

” معاجم وموسوعات وقواميس – روابط مفردة لكل كتاب : جامع الكتب المصورة”

See on kt-b.com

(EN) – Common medical abbreviations. bid, tid, qd, hs, stat, NGT… | globalrph.com

“Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription.

Author: R. Strucel.  This reference was created for Globalrph to help translate occasional texting codes that appear sporadically in correspondence from friends, colleagues, and other professionals. At least once a month I receive messages from younger professionals that are difficult to decipher based on the presence of several texting shorthand abbreviations.   I had the author create two separate versions.  The primary version simply lists the acronym followed by the definition.  The alternative version lists the phrase / translation first and the texting code that represents the phrase.

See on www.globalrph.com

(AR) (EN) – قاموس مصطلحات طبية و صيدلانية | sehha.com

“قاموس مصطلحات طبية و صيدلانية”

See on www.sehha.com

(PL) – Słowniczek elektryczny | fluke.com

“Słowniczek elektryczny (fluke.com)”

See on www.fluke.com

(PL) – Encyklopedia motoryzacyjna | Automotopedia.pl

Zapraszamy do korzystania z internetowego serwisu encyklopedycznego dla profesjonalistów z dziedziny motoryzacji.

Motoryzacja to całokształt spraw związanych z zastosowaniem pojazdów drogowych lub szynowych napędzanych silnikami spalinowymi (a także w ostatnich latach pojazdów napędzanych silnikami elektrycznymi i hybrydowymi). Potocznie przez motoryzację rozumie się jednak motoryzację samochodową, związaną z zastosowaniem samochodów osobowych i ciężarowych, autobusów i pojazdów jednośladowych. Ich eksploatacja wymaga infrastruktury drogowej oraz odpowiedniego rozmieszczenia stacji paliw i warsztatów. Oddzielnym problemem jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa ruchu na drogach przez stosowanie prawa drogowego, dbanie o sprawność techniczną pojazdów, odpowiednie oznakowanie dróg itp. Motoryzacja ma także duże znaczenie gospodarcze, bowiem oddziaływuje na rozwój przemysłu, transportu, turystyki itd.”

See on www.automotopedia.pl

(IT) – Dizionario Tecnico dell’Automobilismo | Michele Di Maria

Il presente Dizionario e’ una raccolta multimediale di termini tecnici legati al mondo dell’Automobilismo.

Il sito e’ stato totalmente realizzato dall’Autore (Michele Di Maria) per puro hobby e con il solo interesse di fornire ai navigatori di Internet appassionati di auto, motori, tuning ed elaborazioni un “manuale” dove poter attingere informazioni su termini e parole strettamente tecniche.

La nuova versione del Dizionario, pubblicata a settembre 2012 usando HTML5 permette una maggior leggibilità e fruibilità delle informazioni, insieme ad un design rinnovato.

Il Dizionario e’ nato attingendo termini e immagini dal “Dizionario Tecnico Automobilistico” di Massimo Clarke, pubblicato dal Mensile “Auto” (Conti Editore) e accluso insieme al numero di Auto del Settembre 1992.”

See on staff.nt2.it

(EN) – New words: 9 June 2014 | Cambridge University Press

“Welcome to About Words, a blog from Cambridge Dictionaries Online. We publish posts discussing different features of the English language, as well as dictionary entries for words and phrases that are new to English or that have new meanings. We hope you enjoy the blog, and that you’ll post your own comments and vote on the new words. Keep checking back here over the weeks for a fascinating range of posts.”

See on dictionaryblog.cambridge.org

(EN) – Decision Making Glossary | decision-making-solutions.com

“We have put together a glossary for decision making related terminology and acronyms.”

See on www.decision-making-solutions.com

(EN) – Glossary of Mineralogical Terms | mindat.org

Mindat is the largest mineral database and mineralogy reference website on the internet. This site contains worldwide data on minerals, mineral collecting, mineral localities and other mineralogical data.

This site is growing every day, with new mineral information, localities and photographs added by members.”

See on www.mindat.org

(EN) – Death with Dignity Glossary of Terms | Death with Dignity National Center

“Discussion about death with dignity and assisted dying is often made difficult because of confusion surrounding various terms. “Mercy killing,” “euthanasia,” and “suicide” for example. This page aims to help clarify several terms and increase your understanding of the death with dignity movement.”

See on www.deathwithdignity.org

(DE) – Webarten: Stoffe bei Hemden | hemdenguide.de

“Eine Übersicht über Webarten bei Hemden: Popeline, Fil-a-Fil, Chambray, Two Ply (Vollzwirn), Oxford, Twill und Fischgrat”

See on www.hemdenguide.de

(DE) – Papier Lexikon | Fachverband Medienproduktioner

“Der Fachverband Medienproduktioner e.V. vermittelt medienproduktionsspezifisches Wissen sowie Managementwissen, das sich an den Aufgaben und Bedürfnissen des Medienproduktioners orientiert.”

See on www.f-mp.de

(DE) – Sonnenuhr Glossar: Fachbegriffe zu Sonnenuhren und Astronomie | helios-sonnenuhren.de

In diesem Glossar finden Sie Begriffe, die im Zusammenhang mit der Sonnenuhr auftauchen. Dazu gehören auch Fachwörter aus der Astronomie, die für Sonnenuhren von Bedeutung sind.”

See on www.helios-sonnenuhren.de