(EN) – Glossary of Grape Terms | eViticulture

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“eViticulture is the national online viticulture resource containing the latest science-based information for viticulturists.

This resource, created by the Grape Community of Practice (GCoP), is directed toward commercial viticulturists who need solid, tested, science-based information to improve their skills in the vineyard. The Grape CoP is comprised of a nationwide group of professionals with expertise in grape production. All of the states involved have a grape industry, from very large (California) to very small (South Dakota), and all have an increasing interest in grape production. Expertise within the GCoP includes integrated pest management, plant pathology, food science, distance education, variety selection, canopy management, and rootstocks, just to name a few. Often individuals possess more than one expertise area, and expertise areas may overlap, allowing for overall strength in numerous knowledge areas. In fact, many members of the GCoP have collaborated in the past on research and extension efforts. The GCoP intends to be inclusive rather than exclusive with other disciplines. Several stakeholders indicated their desire to see the formation of a GCoP, including the National Grape and Wine Initiative. All content is collaboratively authored and reviewed by our community of professionals with expertise in viticulture and related disciplines.”

See on eviticulture.org

(EN) – Chocolates glossary of terms | The Salisbury Chocolate Bar & Patisserie Limited

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“At the Salisbury Chocolate & Patisserie Bar Salisbury, we pride ourselves on providing a relaxed, informal and yet knowledgeable service and offer advice on chocolate, patisserie and speciality bespoke cakes.”

See on www.chocolatesandpatisserie.com

(AR) (EN) – Glossary of Military Terms | Arabic Translation School

“The following glossary is an attempt to collect as many Military Arabic <>English vocabulary as possible Compatible with NATO definitions. I appreciate all the feedback and additions you might suggest. Please feel free to use them as long as you cite the reference to this web site. However no permission is given if it was for commercial purposes. All rights reserved.

قاموس مصطلحات عسكرية عربي – انجليزي، متوافق مع تعريفات حلف الناتو، يسمح باستخدامها لأغراض غير تجارية، جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمدرسة الترجمة العربية.”

See on www.arabictranslationschool.com

(IT) – Temi e professioni | salute.gov.it

“Informazioni, dati, attività, servizi, norme e tutta la documentazione essenziale sono qui raccolti per temi a cura degli Uffici del Ministero. Si tratta di un canale di comunicazione sempre aperto in continuo sviluppo e miglioramento dedicato a operatori e stakeholder, ma anche a quei cittadini che desiderano approfondire argomenti centrali per il buon funzionamento della sanità pubblica.


La sicurezza degli alimenti dai campi alla tavola, inclusi i controlli alle frontiere. Tutte le informazioni su corretta alimentazione, allergie e intolleranze, alimenti particolari e integratori.

Alimenti particolari, integratori e novel food Nutrizione Piano Nazionale Integrato 2011-2014 Prodotti fitosanitari Sicurezza alimentare

Ambiente e salute

La sicurezza a casa, al lavoro, in spiaggia, nella vita di ogni giorno. Dal sistema di allarme ai consumatori su giocattoli e altri prodotti i di origine chimica, alle acque di balneazione , alla prevenzione del caldo eccessivo.

Acque di balneazione Ondate di calore Salute e sicurezza sul lavoro Sicurezza chimica Sicurezza giocattoli e prodotti a libero consumo Sicurezza negli ambienti di vita


Il sistema veterinario del SSN, i controlli su mangimi e medicinali veterinari per garantire la sicurezza degli alimenti e circoscrivere focolai e zoonosi. Le regole per il benessere degli animali da reddito e da compagnia.

Cani, gatti e … Medicinali e dispositivi veterinari Sanità animale

Assistenza, ospedale e territorio

Dall’esenzione dal ticket all’assistenza sanitaria all’estero, dalla farmacie ai ricoveri ospedalieri, dal pronto soccorso agli hospice, dall’assistenza odontoiatrica alla qualità del sistema trapianti: i temi centrali dell’assistenza sanitaria nel nostro Paese.

118 e Pronto Soccorso Assistenza sanitaria italiani all’estero e stranieri in Italia Cure palliative e terapia del dolore Demenze Esenzioni dal ticket Indennizzo per danno da trasfusione e vaccinazione Malattie rare Ricoveri ospedalieri (SDO) Salute dei denti e della bocca Salute mentale Sangue e trasfusioni Servizio farmaceutico Stati vegetativi e di minima coscienza Trapianti Tumori

Dispositivi medici e altri prodotti

L’insieme delle attività per garantire qualità e sicurezza a strumenti, protesi e altre migliaia di prodotti di uso sanitario e non solo utilizzati quotidianamente.

Biocidi e presidi medico-chirurgici Buona pratica di laboratorio Cosmetici Dispositivi medici Medicinali stupefacenti e precursori di droghe

Piani, finanziamenti e monitoraggio del SSN

Gli obiettivi di piano, i patti tra Stato e Regioni-Province autonome, i soldi del SSN e i sistemi per impostare le scelte delle politiche sanitarie e verificarne l’attuazione.

Investimenti in sanità Nuovo sistema informativo sanitario – NSIS Piani di rientro Programmazione sanitaria e LEA Relazione sullo stato sanitario del Paese (RSSP) 2011 SiVeAS – Sistema nazionale di Verifica e controllo sull’Assistenza Sanitaria Tracciabilità del farmaco


Promozione della salute, screening, vaccini, contrasto alle dipendenze e le altre iniziative per ridurre epidemie, morti evitabili e malattie croniche.

Alcol e alcoldipendenza Alleanza contro le malattie respiratorie croniche – GARD-I Antidoping Fertilità Guadagnare salute – Stili di vita Hiv e Aids Influenza Malattie infettive e vaccinazioni Piano nazionale della prevenzione Prevenzione ipovisione e cecità Salute dei bambini Salute delle donne Usmaf

Qualità e sicurezza delle cure

Linee guida, raccomandazioni, formazione, partecipazione dei cittadini, accordi per ridurre le liste di attesa e rendere più sicura l’assistenza.

Governo clinico, qualità e sicurezza delle cure Sicurezza in sala operatoria

Ricerca e innovazione

Il sistema di ricerca del SSN , finanziamenti e bandi. Le quote riservate ai giovani ricercatori. La rete degli Irccs. I progetti per l’eheath, dai Cup ai certificati telematici.

Biotecnologie – MOGME Health – Sanità in rete Ricerca sanitaria

Risorse umane e formazione continua

L’educazione continua in medicina e le attività di riconoscimento dei titoli di studio per garantire la mobilità degli operatori sanitari.

CCEPS – Commissione Centrale per gli Esercenti le Professioni Sanitarie ECM – Educazione continua in medicina Formazione veterinaria Medici di bordo Professioni sanitarie

Scenario internazionale

I rapporti e le attività del Ministero con l’Unione Europea , l’Oms, l’Ocse e gli altri enti internazionali. Gli Accordi bilaterali e la veterinaria internazionale.

Rapporti internazionali Veterinaria internazionale”

See on www.salute.gov.it

(ES) (EN) – Glossary of Spanish Terminology / Términos de Elecciones | state.tx.us

“Note: This glossary is a collection of election terms used by the Elections Division and election officials across the state. These have been translated/approved by a Federally certified Spanish translator, as well as the Elections Division translator. Please note that Spanish translation may vary according to region and dialect, but for purposes of consistency, the following is the Spanish glossary approved for use on all Office of the Secretary of State prescribed forms and election-related materials.

Aviso: Este glosario es una colección de términos de elecciones utilizado por la división de elecciones y oficiales electorales a través del estado. Han estado traducidos/aprobados por un traductor federal certificado en español y por el traductor de la división de elecciones. Por favor observe que traducciones en español varían de acuerdo con la región y el dialecto, pero por razones de uniformidad, el siguiente es el glosario en español aprobado para uso en todas las formas y material utilizado por el secretario del estado.”

See on www.sos.state.tx.us

(EN) – Accounting & Auditing Terms and Definitions | businessdictionary.com

“BusinessDictionary.com has over 20,000 definitions in over 40 subjects, Here is a list of words in the Accounting & Auditing category.”

See on www.businessdictionary.com

(CAT) – New terminology extraction in Transit NXT (1 of 2) | Michael Scholand

“The new terminology extraction in Transit NXT’s latest Service Pack is a quantum leap to what had been there before. We will therefore dedicate two subsequent tooltips to this new feature and will explain the most important additions and advantages of the new term extraction function and how to use it.

Why extract terminology, and when?

There are different circumstances where it is necessary or recommendable to extract the terminology from a given text corpus. The automated terminology extraction is …”

See on transitnxt.wordpress.com

(FR) – Lexique des termes de Marine | netmarine.net

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“D’après le Glossaire des termes courants de vocabulaire maritime, Ecole Navale et Groupe Ecoles du Poulmic, Edition 1977). (A noter 3 dictionnaires intéressants français-anglais et anglais-français de la marine, français-anglais et anglais-français de l’armement et lexique français-anglais-allemand-italien-espagnol-russe des termes de marine, par le CC Richard Dobenik – disponibles auprès de l’éditeur ‘la Maison du Dictionnaire” 98, Bd du Montparnasse 75006 Paris”

See on www.netmarine.net

(AR) (EN) (XLS) – General conditions for issuing letters of credit / الشروط العامة لإصدار خطابات الاعتماد | Mega

“General conditions for issuing letters of credit / الشروط العامة لإصدار خطابات الاعتماد”



Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

Excel bilingual file

See on mega.co.nz

(EN) (PDF) – American Institute of Certified Public Accountants glossary of terms, acronyms, and abbreviations | aicpa.org

“The AICPA is the world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession, with more than 394,000 members in 128 countries and a 126-year heritage of serving the public interest. AICPA members represent many areas of practice, including business and industry, public practice, government, education and consulting. The AICPA sets ethical standards for the profession and U.S. auditing standards for audits of private companies, nonprofit organizations, federal, state and local governments. It develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination and offers specialty credentials for CPAs who concentrate on personal financial planning; fraud and forensics; business valuation; and information technology. Through a joint venture with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, it has established the Chartered Global Management Accountant designation to elevate management accounting globally.”

See on mega.co.nz

(EN) (PDF) – Glossary of Communications Terms for Relay Engineers | pes-psrc.org


“Glossary of Communications Terms for Relay Engineers – pes-psrc.org”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 43 pages

See on www.pes-psrc.org

(EN) – Glossary of engineering words | BUILDING BIG

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“Glossary of engineering words”

See on www.pbs.org

(EN) – List of phobias | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (of Greek origin: φόβος/φοβία ) occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g. hydrophobic), in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g. acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g. photophobia). In common usage they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject. The suffix is antonymic to -phil-.

For more information on the psychiatric side, including how psychiatry groups phobias such as agoraphobia, social phobia, or simple phobia, see phobia. The following lists include words ending in -phobia, and include fears that have acquired names. In some cases, the naming of phobias has become a word game, of notable example being a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News.[1] In some cases a word ending in -phobia may have an antonym with the suffix -phil-, e.g. Germanophobe / Germanophile.

A large number of -phobia lists circulate on the Internet, with words collected from indiscriminate sources, often copying each other. Also, a number of psychiatric websites exist that at the first glance cover a …”

See on en.wikipedia.org

(IT) (EN) (PDF) – Glossario del vetro | regione.veneto.it


a cura di Daniela Ferrari, Annamaria Larese, Gioia Meconcelli Notarianni, Marco Verità
Traduzione inglese David B. Whitehouse

Le forme sono a cura di Daniela Ferrari (vetri su nucleo), Annamaria Larese (forme A-F) e Gioia Meconcelli Notarianni (forme G-V). Le tavole con esemplificazione delle forme sono ordinate secondo la sequenza delle varie voci; le singole forme sono tratte dagli studi segnalati con l’asterisco nella bibliografia di riferimento e sono proposte rispettando le dimensioni documentate nelle opere originali. Le misure di riferimento sono state riscontrate nelle bibliografie delle forme e generale, senza la pretesa di essere esaustivi.”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 52 pages

See on www2.regione.veneto.it

(ES) (EN) – Glosario de conectores de ideas | heptagrama.com

“Glosario verificado de frases para relacionar ideas (conectores) en español e inglés.

Aquí encontrará una lista de conectores de ideas en español e inglés. Para ver la lista de inglés a español, haga clic en el enlace a la derecha.”

See on heptagrama.com

(AR) (EN) (DOC) – الخرسانة العادية | Google Drive

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“مصطلحات الخرسانة العادية”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

DOC file, 17 pages

See on docs.google.com

(AR) (EN) (DOC) – الخرسانة سابقة الإجهاد | Google Drive

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“الخرسانة سابقة الإجهاد”

See on docs.google.com

(AR) (EN) – مصطلحات لطلبة السنة أولى حقوق | startimes.com

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

” مصطلحات لطلبة السنة أولى حقوق”

See on www.startimes.com

(AR) (EN) (PDF) – General Terms & Conditions / األحكام والشروط العامة | AL KHALIJ COMMERCIAL BANK

“The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions
(the “Terms and Conditions”) from time to time by giving notice in
writing to the Customer, or by displaying a notice of any change at its
branches in Qatar or on its website.

يحتفظ البنك بحق تعديل هذه األحكام والشروط )”األحكام والشروط“( من
ٍحين َ إلى آخ ٍ ر، وذلك بتوجيه إخطار ّ خطي ٍ للعميل، أو بنشر إخطار ٍ بأي تعديل
لدى فروعه العاملة في دولة قطر أو على موقعه اإللكتروني.”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF bilingual file, 58 pages

See on www.alkhaliji.com

(EN) – Analytics and Testing: Understanding statistics symbols | Diana Sindicich

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“When you’re immersed in data on a daily basis, it becomes all too easy to forget that everyone is not fluent in statistical terminology. In today’s MarketingExperiments Blog post, I wanted to share three statistical concepts every …”

See on www.marketingexperiments.com

(EN) – A dictionary of doping drugs | Deutsche Welle

“New medicines provide athletes with new ways of artificially enhancing their performances. While athletes find ways to dope without being caught, they’re also exposing themselves to many nasty side effects.

Athletics has become a multi-billion-dollar industry – so much so, that the desire to win can drive athletes to use drugs to enhance their performance. But Marlene Klein, head of the medical department at Germany’s National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), said doping is hardly a new phenomenon.
Klein told DW that doping likely goes back to athletes in ancient Greece looking to get an edge against their competitors – and it continues today for …”

See on www.dw.de

(EN) (FR) (DE) (RO) (PDF) – Glosarul privind piaţa internă / Glossary of Terms relating to the Internal Market | Institutul European din România

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“Această publicaţie conţine o colecţie de termeni privind piaţa internă a Uniunii Europene. Termenii în limbile franceză, engleză şi germană au fost iniţial selectaţi şi extraşi, de terminologi din cadrul Comisiei Europene, din versiunea finală a Cărţii albe privind pregătirea ţărilor asociate din Europa Centrală şi de Est pentru integrarea în piaţa internă a Uniunii. Termenii echivalenţi în limba română au fost adăugaţi de terminologii Direcţiei Coordonare Traduceri din cadrul Institutului European din România, pe baza traducerii oficiale în limba română a Cărţii albe. Deşi termenii au fost verificaţi cu atenţie, aceştia pot suferi modificări, cu atât mai mult cu cât un număr din ce în ce mai mare de acte legislative se traduc integral în limba română. Prin urmare, prezenta ediţie trebuie considerată provizorie. Terminologia românească va fi definitivă numai atunci când actele legislative relevante vor fi adoptate oficial, la momentul aderării României la Uniunea Europeană.”

Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 583 pages

See on www.ier.ro

(EN) – Wine Tasting Glossary | williams-sonoma.com

“Talking about wine shouldn’t be intimidating! You’ll find that tastings are more fun and educational when you know how to describe what you’re sipping. Boost your wine vocabulary with just a handful of key terms, outlined in our chart above. Then, gather friends and organize a wine-tasting party of your own to get the conversation started.”

See on blog.williams-sonoma.com

(FR) (EN) – Glossaire du vin, Langage du vin | interfrance.com

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“Dictionaire francais-anglais des termes du vin avec audio : Glossaire du vin avec l’equivalent anglais, Traduction du vocabulaire et termes du vin Francais-Angelais, Lexique Francais-Anglais audio”

See on www.interfrance.com

(EN) – Diabetes Vocabulary | our-diabetes.org.uk

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“This page aims to explain the diabetes vocabulary and shorthand used by people both online and offline.”

See on www.our-diabetes.org.uk

(DE) (PDF) – Sammlung mit umfangreichen Texten über Straßenverkehr & Schienenverkehr | Dietmar Bosserhoff

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“Verkehrserzeugung durch Vorhaben der Bauleitplanung

Integration von Verkehrsplanung und räumlicher Planung



Qualitätssicherung an Lichtsignalanlagen (LSA)

Bevorrechtigung von ÖPNV- / Rettungsfahrzeugen an LSA

Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV)

Verkehrsplanung / -sicherheit / -management


Handbuch für Verkehrssicherheit und Verkehrstechnik

Vorträge / Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen”

See on www.dietmar-bosserhoff.de

(EN) (ES) (IT) (FR) (GL) (RO) (CA) (PT) (PDF) – Panlatin Electronic Commerce Glossary | Translation Bureau of Canada

“Lèxic panllatí del comerç electròni / Léxico panlatino de comercio electrónico / Lexique panlatin du commerce électronique / Léxico panlatino do comercio electrónico / Lessico panlatino del commercio elettronico / Léxico panlatino do comércio eletrônico / Lexic panlatin de comerţ electronic / Panlatin Electronic Commerce Glossary.

Realiter (Réseau panlatin de terminologie) is pleased to present the Panlatin Electronic Commerce Glossary to all Internet users in the Latin-languages communities. The Glossary was prepared by Realiter in co-operation with the Translation Bureau of the Government of Canada, whose representatives were responsible for co-ordinating the project. The terminology was drawn from a number of subfields, including e-transactions, marketing, security, cryptography, communications, customer and business products and services, consumer protection, as well as information technologies.

Realiter was created in 1993 on the initiative of the Latin Union and the Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France. Its general objective is to promote the harmonized development of the neo-Latin languages, given their common origin and their similar patterns of term formation.

Realiter’s specific objectives are:
− to establish common methodology principles that can be used to develop new products from joint projects;
− to conduct joint research, collect and create tools likely to favour the development of the neo-Latin languages;
− to carry out joint multilingual terminology projects in fields of common interest;
− to pool reference document material; and
− to promote reciprocal training through the exchange of instructors, students and training materials.


The idea to provide the Latin-languages communities with basic electronic commerce terminology was conceived in November 2001 at Realiter’s fifth plenary meeting. The Translation Bureau agreed to co-ordinate the project to develop the Panlatin Electronic Commerce Glossary, a multilingual publication that would contain a collection of the most frequently used terms in the field. Accordingly, the Bureau prepared the initial English and French lists of 300 terms to serve as the common base list for the project. The other project participants either expanded the …”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

PDF file, 435 pages

See on publications.gc.ca

(IT) – Enciclopedia Erotica | sanihelp.it

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!

“Hai sempre voluto sapere il significato di certi termini ma non hai mai avuto il coraggio di chiederlo? Su Sanihelp.it sta nascendo la più grande enciclopedia erotica della rete. Ogni settimana saranno aggiunti nuovi termini per cui torna spesso a trovarci. Da noi non esistono tabù!!”

See on www.sanihelp.it

(JA) – Tokyo Stock Exchange glossary | tse.or.jp

See on Scoop.itGlossarissimo!



See on www.tse.or.jp

(AR) (EN) (FR) (ES) – ARABTERM: United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database of the Arabic Translation Service | unterm.un.org

“ARABTERM is a multilingual terminology database which provides United Nations nomenclature and special terms in all four official UN languages – Arabic, English, French and Spanish. The database is mainly intended for use by the language and editorial staff of the United Nations to ensure consistent translation of common terms and phrases used within the Organization.

ARABTERM is maintained by the Arabic Translation Service, Translation and Editorial Division, DGAACS. Technical support is provided by IMTU and ITSD.”


Stefano KaliFire‘s insight:

Languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish

See on unterm.un.org