(EN)-(PDF) – The Citizen Planner Training Collaborative | Mass CPTC

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“The Citizen Planner Training Collaborative provides local planning and zoning officials in Massachusetts with tools to make effective decisions regarding their community’s current and future land use.


Agricultural Preservation
Agricultural Preservation District
Right to Farm
Aquifer Protection
Aquifer/ Water Protection Overlay District
Groundwater Supply Protection
Impervious Surface Control
Zone I Conservation Restriction for Water Supply Protection
Zone II Conservation Restriction for Water Supply Protection
Best Development Practices
Best Development Practices Guidebook*
Design Review Guidelines 1*
Design Review Guidelines 2 *
Subdivision Development Methods
Development (Miscellaneous)
Development Growth Rate Limitation
Dimensional Regulations by Zoning District
Growth Management
Interim Overlay District
Low Impact Development (LID)/Stormwater
Non-Conforming Lots, Usage, Structures
Non-Conforming Structures
Phased Growth
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 2
Phased Development
Transit Oriented Development Zoning Overlay District
Use Regulations
Economic Development
Bed & Breakfast
Planned Unit Business Development (PUBD)
Village Style / Mixed Use Development
Village Center – Dennis
Village Development Overlay District
Brownfields: Tax Agreements
Feeding or Baiting of Waterfowl
Hazardous Material/ Waste Management
Indoor Air
Junk, Scrap, Debris
Mercury Control
Smoking Ban
Stormwater Guidance for MA Municipalities with 3
NPDES Phase II Model Stormwater Bylaws
Stormwater Management 1
Stormwater Management 2
Stormwater Management 3
Stormwater Management And Land Disturbance
Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation Incentives
Demolition Delay 1
Demolition Delay 2
Neighborhood Conservation District
Land Clearing & Grading
Earth/ Gravel Removal, Non-Zoning
Earth/ Gravel Removal Zoning Bylaw
Land Clearing, Grading, Tree Protection
Lighting / Signage / Fences
Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor Lighting 2
Outdoor Lighting 3
Sign Regulations
Adult Entertainment District (non-overlay)
Adult Entertainment District (overlay)
Continued Care Retirement Community
Lowell Zoning Code
Open Space / Conservation
Cluster Development 1
Cluster Development 2
Cluster Development 3
Cluster Subdivision
Cluster Subdivision Guidelines
Conservation Subdivision Design Project Booklet*
Corridor Overlay District
EOEA Sample Conservation Restriction*
Floodplain Development District
Floodplain District 1
Floodplain. District 2
Open Space Preservation (Cluster) Zoning (OSPZ)
Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) 1
Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) 2
Ridgeline/ Hillside District
Subdivision Conservation
Subdivision Open Space
Transfer of Development Rights
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Acton
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Plymouth
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Northampton
Uplands Protection
Wetlands and Wildlife Habitat
Wetlands Protection 1
Wetlands Protection 2
Wetlands Protection 3
Wetlands Protection District
Appeals, Variances and Special Permits
Development Agreement Authority
Form Based Code
Impact Fees
Review Fees
Site Plan Review 1
Site Plan Review 2
Site Plan Review 3
Special Permits
Special Permit Granting Authority
Residential Development / Housing
Accessory Use
Accessory Dwellings
Accessory Dwellings (permitting pre-existing
Assisted Living Facilities and Affordable Housing
Common Driveways 1
Common Driveways 2
Common Driveways 3
Common Driveways 4
Flexible Development Requirements
Flexible Residential Development 1
Flexible Residential Development 2
Great Estate Preservation Development
Inclusionary Housing Bylaw
Inclusionary Housing Policies
Lot Regularity Requirements
Multi-Family Special Permit
Residential Inclusionary Development
Townhouse Development
Zoning for Inclusionary Housing
Wireless Overlay District
Wireless Telecom Facilities
Wireless Telecom Facilities 2
Wireless Telecom Towers
Bicycle Parking 1
Bicycle Parking 2
Parking Regulations
Roadway / Access Management
Scenic Roads 1
Scenic Roads 2
Transportation Demand Management
Water System Conservation”

See on www.umass.edu

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